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Eve LF280K v3 Prismatic 280Ah - LiFePO4 - 3.2V A-grade

Additional Information

EAN / GTIN  7417940527765
Weight - g  5450
Brand  EVE
Grade  A
Model  LF280K
Battery chemistry  LiFePO4
Voltage  3.2V
Capacity - Ah 280.00
Discharge current - A 280.00
Included  Busbars
Terminal type  M6
Height - mm 207.50
Width - mm 173.70
Thickness - mm 72.00
Year of production  2024

Availability: Pre-order. Estimated shipping date: 22 januari 2025 (in 6 days)

This product is for pre-order, we don't have it in our warehouse yet but it is in transit to us from our supplier. The shipping date is an estimated date.
  • Buy 4 times for €58.00   

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Ukraine: This product is currently subject to 0% tax and customs duty rate due to martial law.



Capacity: 280 Ah
Maximum discharge value: 1C (280A)
Size: 72mm x 207.5mm x 172.5mm
This is a 3.2V Lifepo4 cell.

The cells have a lifespan (up to 80% capacity) of 8000 cycles when using a pressure of 280-320kg and charging at 0.5C (0.05C termination current up to 3.65V) and discharging 0.5C (up to 2.5V)

They are equipped with studs with double screw holes for better electrical conduction. Bush bars and bolts are also included.

The products come to us directly from EVE

With flexible bus bars

Capacity for the batch currently for sale: minimum 308Ah

Additional Information


Capacity report available. Height of the studs: 13mm


Customer Reviews

Good product Review by Relu
Good product, fair price great shipping experience. (Posted on 14-01-25)
Perfect cells! Review by Max
Зробив два замовлення по 4 комірки, 28.11. Відправили раніше вказаної дати, одночасно. Але один пакунок швидко пройшов кордон, і я отримав його в своєму місті через 3 дні, а інший затримався в Польщі на неділю, і отримав 27.12. Виглядають абсолютно новими, як з заводу, геометрія ідеальна, напруга відрізняється на 0,0003 вольта, внутрішній опір 0,2мОм (Fnirsi HRM-10) при температурі заміру +5С, дата виробництва 02/Oct/2024, з розбіжністю в день. Повністю задоволений, дякую!

I placed two orders of 4 cells each on November 28th. The seller shipped both orders earlier than the stated date, and they were sent simultaneously. One package quickly crossed the border, and I received it in my city in just 3 days. The other was delayed in Poland for a week and arrived on December 27th.
The cells look brand new, straight from the factory. The geometry is perfect, the voltage difference is only 0.0003 volts, and the internal resistance is 0.2 mOhm (Fnirsi HRM-10), measured at +5°C. The production date is October 2, 2024, with just a one-day difference between cells.
I'm completely satisfied with my purchase. Thank you! (Posted on 27-12-24)
Definitely 5 stars!!! Review by VOLODYMYR
Ділюся враженнями від співпраці із Nkon. Щодо сервісу - дуже сподобався швидкий зворотній зв’язок, зробив помилку при заповнені персональних даних, написав лист, менеджер відреагував одразу і одразу все виправили. Сам вантаж відправили на 9 днів раніше, ніж планувалося, що зараз є дуже важливим. Отримав детальну інформацію про доставку, та невеликий скрипт який дозволив орієнтуватись в термінах та часі доставки. Посилка йшла 5 днів Європою, 3 дні Польщею та 2 Україною. Від дати оплати до отримання товару пройшло 25 днів. Доставили кур’єром НП прямо до дверей.
Щодо придбаних комірок Eve 280 Ah, Agrade (4шт). Комірки були надійно упаковані. Прийшли холодними із температурою навколишнього середовища (-3 градуси по цельсію) і тому не міг одразу виміряти опір (показники були 0,75 мΩ) що в тричі більше від заявленого, але через 24 години перебуванні в приміщені комірки нагрілись та при температурі +19 грудусів цельсія показали опір в межах 0,25мΩ до 0,28мΩ, напруга на всіх комірках склала 3,297 В. Візуально видно що комірки нові, гарна термоусадка без жодних дефектів, акуратні шви лазерної зварки, та нові qr коди, перевіряючи які я дізнався дату виробництва це – 1 жовтня 2024 року.
І саме головне, ціна на ці комірки є найнижчою на світовому ринку. В Україну комірки прийшли із 0 податками та зборами.
Надзвичайно задоволений сервісом та співпрацею із Nkon. Однозначно 5 зірок!!!

I’m sharing my impressions of working with Nkon. Regarding the service – I was very pleased with the fast feedback. I made a mistake while filling out my personal information, sent an email, and the manager responded immediately and corrected everything right away. The shipment was sent 9 days earlier than planned, which is very important nowadays. I received detailed information about the delivery, along with a small script that helped me track the delivery terms and timing. The package took 5 days to travel across Europe, 3 days through Poland, and 2 days in Ukraine. From the date of payment to receiving the goods, it took 25 days. The parcel was delivered by Nova Poshta courier directly to my door.
As for the purchased Eve 280 Ah, A-grade cells (4 pcs), they were securely packaged. They arrived cold, at the ambient temperature of -3°C, so I couldn’t measure the resistance immediately (the initial readings were 0.75 mΩ, which is three times higher than stated). However, after 24 hours indoors, the cells warmed up, and at +19°C, the resistance ranged between 0.25 mΩ and 0.28 mΩ. The voltage on all the cells was 3.297 V. Visually, the cells look new – good heat shrink wrapping without any defects, neat laser weld seams, and new QR codes. After scanning the QR codes, I discovered the production date: October 1, 2024.
And most importantly, the price for these cells is the lowest on the global market. The cells arrived in Ukraine with zero taxes and fees.
I’m extremely satisfied with the service and cooperation with Nkon. Definitely 5 stars!!!
(Posted on 21-12-24)
Super Review by Heorhii
They are even slightly concave. There are simply no complaints about the flatness. Super quality. I haven't charged or discharged them yet, so I can't say anything about that. (Posted on 20-12-24)
Perfect, on the first view Review by Dmyto
On the first view looks amazing, perfect timing of delivery, excellent cells on first view. I ordered 16 cells, initially I planned to assemble 1 battery, but the damned russians made their own adjustments, so now I am assembling 2 separate 24v batteries for different homes, where we will see how they will perform. The internal resistance of the cells is just perfect, the charged ones are also absolutely identical. Beforehand, I am very grateful to the platform for the cells I received. (Posted on 28-11-24)
Perfectly Review by Viktor
Ordered 8 cells. According to the QR, all cells were manufactured on July 29-31, 2024. The voltage of all cells is 3.297 V. Internal resistance is 0.18 mOm. I recommend! (Posted on 05-11-24)
I received something other than what I ordered. Review by Dmitriy
I ordered Eve LF280K v3 Prismatic 280Ah cells in July 2024.
After waiting for months they sent me cheaper cells from another manufacturer.
Totally disappointed. (Posted on 15-10-24)
I expected better Review by Serhii
4 cells with resistance 0.14, two from 07.12.23, one from 3.12. and 5.12.2023, capacity corresponds. (Posted on 09-10-24)
Good fast and quality Review by Serhii
I received all the x16 batteries. Well-packed. In perfect shape, with the same resistance. (Posted on 05-10-24)
Nice battery Review by Yevgen
Ordered 8x
Shipped within 4 weeks to Odesa, Ukraine, nicely packed. All 8 cells had nearly identical internal resistance.
High quality product. Recommended (Posted on 05-10-24)
Quite dissapointed Review by Andrii
Received 4 cells. All of them were produced in April 2023. Not "fresh" ones. Although there was no information in product description concerning the production date. Voltage of all cells is 3.29 v. My first order in this shop and such disappointment. (Posted on 02-10-24)
Truly disapointed Review by Hrygorii
I was waiting for 2 month and paid 67 euro for 18 month old cells ( production date D4E, 14 April 2023).
There was no indication in description that cells were from 2023.
I have no tester to check IR, so i can only guess whether units are new or used
I fell robbed and disapointed by european company services
PS. An yes, no capacity report enclosed (Posted on 24-09-24)
Здається все непогано Review by Vitaly
Приїхала перша партія. клітинки нові, дата виробництва 2024 рік 2 місяць.В коробці 3 ячейки зроблені в один день а 4 ячейка на 3 дні пізніше Всі банки мають 3,279 воьти. Ємність та опір не міряв і мабуть не буду. (Posted on 13-08-24)
Everything is alright Review by bokser01
I pre-ordered 16 articles. After about 4 weeks, the batteries arrived. excellently packed, articles beautifully straight without damage. Scanned QR codes that showed the age of the articles about 3 months. Made 17-18.4.2024. Cell voltage 3.229V Great satisfaction and I will definitely order another one from this seller! (Posted on 26-07-24)
Good battery Review by Petros
I got the batteries a year ago and so far I'm very pleased. (Posted on 18-06-24)
A serious company with quality products at a decent price. Five true stars. Review by GIGI
32 pcs with U=3.294 volts and Ri=0.20 ohms, packed very well and transported exactly on the date mentioned in the pre-order. (Posted on 30-05-24)
Goooood! Review by kissjoe
Received 32 pieces all having same voltage of 3.297V. (Posted on 16-04-24)
Massima qualità Review by FLAVIO BRANDL
Azienda serissima, é la seconda volta che acquisto queste batterie e come l'altra volta sono perfette sotto ogni punto di vista, la capacità é come al solito leggermente superiore al dichiarato.
Very serious company, it is the second time I have purchased these batteries and like the other time they are perfect from every point of view, the capacity is as usual slightly higher than declared. (Posted on 09-11-23)
Massima qualità Review by FLAVIO
Ho acquistato 8 di queste batterie, sono arrivate subito e sono perfette, la capacità é anche superiore al dichiarato e il bilanciamento é perfetto.
Grazie, farò altri acquisti in futuro.
I bought 8 of these batteries, they arrived promptly and are perfect, the capacity is even higher than the declared one and the balance is perfect.
Thank you, I will make other purchases in the future. (Posted on 12-06-23)
Good quality batteries Review by VDD General Technic
The batteries behave very well under normal operating conditions according to the technical sheet.
No voltage differences between the cells, respecting the Ah capacity specified by the manufacturer.
For the moment everything works perfectly with a good BMS and a Victron charger. (Posted on 02-05-23)
Good quality and fast shipping Review by Ihor
It took a bit more than 2 weeks to deliver batteries to Ukraine via Meest shipping. Batteries were charged at the same level and with the right resistance(0.18-0.19). Special THANKS are going to Chris Begeer, for his help and assistance. (Posted on 04-04-23)
Good quality and packaging Review by Vitalii
I bought 16 pcs of the cells, all cells manufactured during
end of August - start of September 2022. Measured voltage and internal resistance, all voltages are matching at around 3.29 V, and resistance is 0.19 mOhm on all cells. Will test the capacity once the 48 V battery pack is assembled. (Posted on 23-03-23)
Best choice! Review by Vadym
Batteries came well packed, equally charged and with the same resistance (Posted on 09-02-23)
Top quality Review by my home battery
I bought 32 pcs of these cells about 6 months ago and EVE is good quality. Works perfectly with a Victron Multiplus II, even with a BMS that does not communicate with this inverter (Posted on 06-09-22)

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